Our mission is to help your church thrive.
We do this by providing resources that support healthy church growth.
Every year more than 4,000 churches close their doors forever.
We believe that local churches are central to God’s plan for transforming the lives of people within their communities.
We believe they are worth saving.
LCM is a 501c3 organization that exisis thanks to Partner and member support.
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Engaging People with the mission to ignite growth!
Church Growth
The local church is God’s plan for humanity on earth. It is his plan to connect us to Him through Jesus. Because of that, we believe that growth is something very important to Him. It is His will for the local church to grow.
This is why we provide resources to help you stay on mission and get people involved in the process of church growth. Church growth doesn’t happen by accident. It takes hard work and dedication. But it is so worth it when you see people coming to Christ and His Church thriving.
Church growth is absolutely a faith-based endeavor, but it is also a people endeavor. And that’s where we come in. We want to help you engage people with the mission of igniting continuing church growth. We want to see the Church grow and we want to see people coming to Christ. It is our passion and our mission.
The Local Church Movement is a non-profit 501c3 organization that is dedicated to helping your church grow. We do our best to help every church that we can, but we also know that every church is different. We have found that the best way to help a church grow is by providing resources and training to church leaders so they can be more effective in their own ministry.
It is the leaders in a ministry that create buy-in at the Church. When people are engaged in their Church, they are more likely to be involved in their own personal growth, which leads directly to church growth. This is why we focus on providing resources to leaders. We want to help them be more effective so they can engage more people and ignite exponential church growth.
If you are interested in learning more about how the Local Church Movement can help you with your church growth plan, please contact us.
How can we help you?
“The message stays the same but the methods change. ” – Rick Paladin
Evaluation & Testing
LCM offers on-site and remote evaluations of staff, service, teams, systems, structures, finances, planning, attendence, giving, and overall mission execution.
We offer in depth reporting followed by ongoing feedback to verify progress and support further church growth.
Church Growth
Our expanding catalog of free church growth resources is designed to help you find the answers you need to the questions you have.
It is our mission to build a comprehensive archive of wisdom to help you thrive as a minister which in turn will grow your church.
Digital Church Scholarship
We live in an amazing time where we have access to more people than ever in the history of the Church.
Everyone you want to reach is online, just a click away.
The Local Church Movement Digital Church Scholarship is designed to help churches leverage the power of the internet to bring the lost to you, so that you can help bring them to God.
Community and Fellowship
Ministry can be tough. People are both the biggest blessing and biggest struggle of serving God.
You don’t have to do it alone. The LCM Community was founded on the ideas that every ministry matters, and that we have a better chance of fulfilling our purpose if we work together.
We connect local churches to share skills and wisdom among our members to see everyone get better at church growth.
The art of Maximizing Engagement on purpose for growth
Engagement can be defined as the level of connection or involvement that someone has with something. In terms of church growth, this refers to the level of involvement or connection that people have with the local church.
This focus matters because it is one of the key predictors of future church growth. The more engaged people are, the more likely they are to continue attending church and getting involved in church activities. This is directly related to their own, personal growth. When people grow, the church grows.
How can we maximize engaged people?
There are a few key ways to get better:
– First, we need to understand why people come to Church in the first place. What are their needs and how can the Church meet those needs?
– Second, we need to create an environment that is welcoming and inclusive. Everyone should feel like they belong.
– Third, we need to make sure that Church activities are engaging and relevant. They should meet people where they are at and address their needs.
– Fourth, we need to create opportunities for people to get involved and be part of something bigger than themselves.
At the Local Church Movement, we work with churches, within their vision, to increase participation of people in church. We do this by evaluating systems, structures, teams, communication, and leadership to see how they encourage or hinder the growth of involvement.
By understanding the importance of getting people involved and taking steps to maximize it, we can create a Church that is not only expanding, but also thriving through mission engaged people.

Growing People Leads to Growth
Growing churches are churches that grow people.
This is especially true of churches that are gaining church attendance and people serving.
Churches that are discipling people are seeing people saved, baptized, coming to Christ, being disciples, and thriving in their personal relationship with God. These people are then serving the church and impacting their community for Christ.
The growth of people in the church is the key to church health and vitality. Growth happens one person at a time. When people are moving, the church is moving.
There are many trends in personal growth today. Some people are first interested in self-help, while others come looking for ways to grow spiritually. Regardless of the trends personal growth is a precursor to church growth.
As a church, we need to have ministries that are focused on raising up people. We need to be intentional about discipleship and helping people grow in their faith. When we do this, the churches will grow and have a lasting impact on our community and world.
Church growth is driven by personal growth, first of leaders, then of the people. While this growth is a blessing, it leads inevitably to change. Growth Change management is how churches guide this process to be positive and in line with the church mission and vision.
To help your church grow, you first need to help people grow. The Local Church Movement partners with local churches to provide digital discipleship resources that will ignite church growth.
By using digital channels like Facebook Groups, Church Management Software, Social media marketing, and many others, people in your church can grow no matter where they are at in their Christian journey.
Digital resources are a great way to connect people who are looking for personal growth with the resources they need. If you want to see your church grow, start by growing people.
The Mission: People and Growth
One of the primary missions of the church is growth – both in terms of numbers and in terms of Christian maturity. The church exists to reach people with the gospel message and to help them grow in their faith.
There are a number of different approaches to church growth, but all share a common goal: to see more people coming to Christ and walking in their faith. Some churches focus on evangelism, while others emphasize discipleship or community outreach. But no matter what approach is taken, growth is the ultimate goal.
The church has always been concerned with internal growth, but in recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on reaching people who are not yet part of the church. This is often referred to as “evangelistic church growth.” It is a way of reaching out to those who are not yet believers and helping them take their first steps of faith.
Despite programs and strategies that churches can use to facilitate growth., ultimately, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that brings people to Christ and helps them walk in their faith. The church can provide the environment and the resources, but it is God who does the work of transformation. As we seek to grow as people and as a church, we must rely on God’s power and grace to accomplish His purposes.
This does not mean that we play no part in church growth or helping people draw closer to Jesus. On the contrary, we are called to be faithful witnesses and to do our part in sharing the gospel and disciple others. But ultimately, we must leave the results up to God. He is the one who grows His church. We can only plant and water the seeds; it is up to Him to give the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).
A church mission statement should include a clear focus on growth. We need to teach growth and we need to always be preaching church growth. The reason for this is that growth is essential to the health and vitality of any church. We should see church growth monthly!
A church that is not growing is dying. This may seem like a harsh assessment, but it is true. In order to reach people with the gospel and help them walk in their faith, the church must be focused on growth.
One way that the Local Church Movement can help is through free evaluations of your church. This will help you know, for sure, if you are growth-minded.
Your mission is vital. As a ministry leader your job is to partner with God and others in the work of life transformation. If God has called you to be a Pastor, worship leader, small group leader, or ministry team leader, what you do matters.
You can have confidence in the fact that God has placed in you the potential to be successful in what He has called you to. You can do it.
God chose you to fulfill your calling. With His leading, you are the best person for the job. If He believes in you, we believe in you.
One of the common threads we see in leaders across the country is that they feel isolated. You are not alone. As a part of the body of Christ you are connected to a 2,000 year old movement filled with brothers and sisters that want nothing more than to see you have victory. The Local Church Movement community is a place to connect with others and find support when you need it most.
Whatever your calling, we can help. Our greatest desire is to see you live at your potential as a leader. We believe this is the best way to bring the Kingdom of God to your community and supercharge church growth.