Data Driven Churches
People create data...
For too many years as ministry leaders we have made out best eudcated guess at what the next right step is for healthy churches growth. When faced with a decision, we take past experiences of the parties involved, what has worked and what has not, and we then make our guess what the right path is.
Once we decide on a course of action, we implement our solution. Then there is a period of time where this solution is in place before we get any feedback on the effectivness of our actions. Once we get decent feedback we realize either that our educated guess was the right one or not. If it was not, we make another educated guess and try again.
This is the way it has always been, but what if it doesn’t have to be like this anymore?
What if we could know, without a doubt, that the choice we implement is the right one?
What if we could know what the results would be for each option BEFORE we expended the energy on acting them out?
Church Metrics can give us these answers.
By applying the right church metrics we can go form guessing what people need to knowing. This applies overall, to every area of including our ministry, staff, guests, leadership, online presence etc. We need to capture and track this data. Then we need to create effective…
Church metrics are a way of tracking and measuring oraganizational health and growth. There are many different types of metrics, but they all serve the same purpose: to help us, as leaders, make better decisions.
These metrics need to fit your church’s vision and mission and provide the strategy leaders need to make the right decision right now.
Often there is a steep learning curve when you go from experience based decison making to evidence based decsion making. One of the missions at LCM is to help you and your org. make this transition well.
No matter how good your previouse experience, you can never really know what is rigth without the input of the right information in real time.
The good news is that you already have everything you need to make better decisions.
Free information
is all around us. We don’t even need to be preaching church growth or pushing the people to participate in our “Churchmetrics” campaign. We just need to put systems in place that will capture this free information and seperate the many streams of data into usable new metrics. By doing this we take a resource that is already available to us and become better stewards of this free data.
Online Measuring
Even easier than in person numbers, online information is a great way to measure growth monthly, and predict future growth. By capturing every visit and every interaction, you can begin to build a realiable and powerful database of information to feed your decision making process.
We need better information
By implementing a process of collecting, storing, sorting, and evaluating the mass of information flowing into your ministry, you can begin measuring your churches health, and help your leaders feel like they have gone from guessing to knowing what that right decision is.
The Local Church Movement's Free Church Metrics Course will help you go from guessing to knowing.
Get the tools and training you need to grow now!

We need accurate data packaged in an understandable format. There are many softwares that can parse your data into easy to read and understand reports. The most common ones are financial apps that review all inputs and provide data output in speadsheet and graph form.
New to the market in the last decade or two are church management software that collect personal info from your memebers and help you see what is actually happening in your ministry based on a reporting of people’s engagement, perticipation, giving, attendance, etc.
Know what software to use, how to find free versions, how to apply the data to your decision makeing process can be tough. LCM can help you navigate this process. If you are in leadership and need help navigating reporting, let us know.

New To the Local Church Movement Church Growth Resources:

LCM is excited to offer a free resource to ministries that are looking to grow in health and size. For the first time we are offering a free web presence evaluations. This evaluation will give you a clear look at what your current web presence is. This includes what you are doing right, what you are missing, and what you need to work on.
We are excited to be able to offer this previously paid service for free thanks to support from the Tabernacle! Thanks Tab!
Bible tech christmas and study bible tech.
About LCM:
LCM exisits to help churches thrive. We do this by providing coaching and resources. In the area of church metrics, our goal is to help your organization develop a plan that uses church metrics to facilitate health and growth. Depending on which metrics you choose, you can make better, more infomed decisions.
Churches that use metrics to guide their choices are more likely to be healthy and growing, because they are using real world information to guide their ministry.
At LCM it is our hope that we can help your leadership begin to navigate the church tech market and online church tech to emply the correct options for you. The church tech market is constanly evolving and LCM is dedicated to bringing you real time tech market updates.
Amazing tools are being released every year that can help us grow the kingdom and treansform lives. This is such an exciting time to be alive and see what new, effective options are being released.
In the same way that if we add a few jokes bible study gets better, if we add a few real-world information points the whole organization gets better.
tech christmas church