
Grow for growth! LCM Church Growth Resources

Welcome to the Local Church movement!

Our mission is to help the local Church thrive.

We believe the local church is God’s plan to transform lives and grow His kingdom.  

We believe it is God’s will for every local church to have a bigger impact on their community.

Imagine churches full of life, where transformation happens daily. Imagine pastors that are growing, spirit-filled, well-rested, and mission-focused.  Imagine a time where those that don’t know Jesus can go to the closest local church and see a representation of his grace and mercy.

We believe that we are not meant to walk alone in ministry. We believe that we are better together.

Partner with us today to grow your ministry and help the local church thrive.

How does the Local Church Movement help churches?

The Local Church Movement helps churches survive and thrive by providing coaching to churches in need.  We also create and distribute free resources for growing churches.  We also offer digital and social media marketing to ministries. Finally, we build connections between ministries to facilitate the sharing of ideas.


How do we get started?

Our process starts with a conversation about your ministry and vision.  Where are you? Where do you want to go? 

Contact us today to set up a call.

How did LCM get started?

The Local Church Movement was born in Pittsburgh, Pa in 2019.  

The mission has always been to help churches survive and thrive. 

Looking at resources currently available to the average church, we realized churches that needed help the most could afford it the least.  

Instead of pursuing a coaching for profit model, we decided charge for our services based on a churches resources.   

God has been opening doors ever since.  



The belief that drives us is:

 “Every church matters, even the ones that can’t afford the help they need.”

Frequently Asked Questions


I love what you are doing. How can we help?

You can help us in three ways.

The first is prayer. What we do is spiritual and we value your prayers on our behalf.

The second is financial support. While we give coaching away, it is not free. We pay coaches to go into these churches. You can visit our support page to learn more.”

The third way to help is to get the word out. Spread the news. Share our posts. Tell others. More people supporting this movement equals more churches helped and more lives transformed.

Can LCM help us?

The Local Church Movement is not restricted to any particular denomination or type of church. If you are willing to grow, we are willing to help.

Will we have to change what we do?

LCM offers evaluation and ongoing coaching. We are not trying to change who you are. We value your identity as a church and the history of your organization.

We DO want to help you fulfill the vision God has given you with excellence. We are not trying to make copies of any particular model, denomination, or structure. We want to understand the heart of your ministry and help you get even better at what you do.

Your community needs you.  They need your church operating at full potential.  Together we can learn and grow into the Church our world needs us to be.